Don't Miss Out on This Matthew 25 Challenge

Last week I came to you with a little challenge. Together, we will be joining in a week-long text challenge through World Vision called The Matthew 25 Challenge. It's easy for me to get comfortable and forget that there are families that struggle to have even the most basic necessities like clean water. I can easily forget that nearly 1600 children under the age of five die every day because of diarrhea from dirty drinking water. I can ignore the headlines about refugees and seek out the gossip in the entertainment section. I can scroll through Instagram and be totally oblivious to anything happening anywhere beyond those squares. 
Let's quit ignoring these things but instead challenge ourselves to get out of our comfort zones and grow as individuals. Let's take the resources available and join in this challenge with our children because when we know better, we can do better. 
Want to know more? Read on!
woman on cell phone as part of a text challenge
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